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I've been writing articles and blogging for some time now, primarily as content for the MyBusinessNow, SideHustleStartup and ReThinkBusinessGrowth programs and a little while back I actually compiled 52 weeks of ideas into a simple e'book version. (Forget some spelling and grammar typos, its self-published, but the content is gold)!
In this recently updated version, I've added a couple of business growth idea pages where you simply take an idea you've picked up and add some strategies that you can then implement. I've also added three checklist pages that will help with developing three key strategies and identify the areas missing or could do with improving.
Well, there are now four different books complied from posts and blogs from 2015 onward. To get your free e'book copy of Business52 book 1, just click the link below and it will be on its way. Just email me direct and I'll forward it. Please let me know what you think too.
Subscribe to ReThinkBusinessGrowth e'news we'll send you a copy of Business52, just click here.
You'll never run out of new ideas again. Sometimes all it takes is a little inspiration, a thought, an idea that you've seen elsewhere, or heard someone else talk about. Thats all it might take to dramatically change the way a business operates, or the results it gets.
You could take 20 years and work it all out yourself like most businesses do if they're lucky or take the FastTrack, a BusinessJumpstart if you like. Work out what you need, and do it fast. Little ideas, make a HUGE difference.
There are keys to business growth. They aren't complicated, but if done, businesses work. This book is not a story about business, it's the keys to it. There's no fluff, or woowoo, it's all real useable business growth keys.