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Businesses, and the way we grow them, have never had to deal with as a fast a changing market, than right now. Social media, online, engagement, speed of delivery are different to how we ran businesses, even a few short years ago. Too many words about change, adapt, we're all in this together keep popping up (and I don't like it!), but the truth is, times are different, technologies have changed the way we do business, in both good and bad ways. Some things are dramatically different, others are exactly the same!
RTBG (ReThinkBusinessGrowth) is simply about not just thinking about the product, but think about the awareness, promotion, and delivery of what we do. The uniqueness, the why someone buys, the attraction, interest, conversion and retention of every single person that buys from you. Its simple, yet 90% of businesses miss the basics. Their businesses grow, but not enough. The gaps (or leakage points) have more problems, more lost clients, than you can keep bringing in at the front. ReThink the way you build a business, and everything changes.
Re-imagine whats possible, re-plan how to get there and then re-build,
RTBG is about getting that growth happening, the way you want! Better, easier and easier business growth, business growth strategies and business coaching.
Change the way businesses think, their owners, managers and teams operate, perform, why they do what they do and the results they get.
Business growth and actually getting the results that any business owner wants is simple. Just do what you're supposed to do! (But like 99% of business owners, what if you don't know what to do?
After working with hundreds of businesses over the last few years and with also simply observing and talking to thousands of others, you can very quickly see what's wrong with 99% of them and undertaken clearly why they don't get the results they want and all too often close too quickly.
There are fundamental, "rules" that have worked incredibly well for many years and still continue to work well now. But now are different times to back in the day. There's more competition, more marketing and promotion options and just simply more. Around 20 years ago we were exposed to around 500 messages a day, now it's close to 30,000 and growing.
Digital options are getting harder and harder to make them work and certainly can't be done without paying for it. It's not just about a great product, or the best at marketing either, but it is about everything else that the business does, every contact point the business has with anyone and everyone and the way it attracts, engages and retains every client possible, or doesn't. Its actually simple:
Get that right, hang onto anyone that's ever contacted you, get them back more often, spending more and referring others and your business is unstoppable. ThinkBusinessGrowth.
The difference between training, coaching and ThinkBusinessGrowth
Most training focus's on a single core area, for example, sales. It teaches someone to sell and that's it. It's often seriously overkill, with over 80% never used and unnecessary and then rarely has any followup or ongoing support.
Coaching tends to push someone in the direction of the coach. What they know, what their questioning or process follows and is the same regardless of the business or challenge. They all too often focus on one core issue and thats cash flow. Not a bad idea unless the first things that gets focused on is expense reduction, as opposed to increase sales, for one main reason, so that you can pay the coaches bill.
Coaching will tend to get someone looking and acting like the coach would and often changes the person or business, from what may have got them success early. Coaching or mentoring is an effective way to grow any business or person, as long as the person is being coached, understands what they're objective is and often they don't.
ThinkBusinessGrowth is different, works, focuses on business fundamentals by doing all the things that other training and coaching systems don't.
The key is about five core drivers:
1: The idea
2: The plan
3: The brand
4: The marketing
5: The sales and service
Then build, grow & scale!
To find out more about the upcoming programs for Business180 2.0, and ReThinkBusinessGrowth just email