There are keys to business growth!
Know them and use them, and you make it easier, faster and better.
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Know them and use them, and you make it easier, faster and better.
99% of businesses lack the fundamental skills, and strategies to build a business easily. They do things the hard way, and more often than not don't get the results they'd hoped for. They believe they can work it out themselves, and they can, but it might take 20 years!
Get skilled! Don't wait, do it now. With the right skills and strategies, (the keys) businesses grow easier, faster and better. But simply don't take time to work it out yourself, do it fast, and get the result you want quick! It doesn't matter if you're starting from scratch, or you've been going 20 years, and have decided it's time to start doing it better. Do it now. It shouldn't be difficult, and it isn't. What's hard is doing it slowly!
Thats it! If you're Ok with how it's going now, go no further, well done.
If the answer is that you simply don't know, or that you're not happy with the result you're getting and you want to do more, do it better and do it easier, then you're on the right track. This is where it begins to work out the simple process of uncomplicated growth, and finally moving forward.
The answer is generally based around one or more (or all) of the 5 foundations in every business. The idea, the profile, the marketing, the client retention and the sales. Thats it. A simple issue in either (or all) drivers, can dramatically hold any business back or bring it to a grinding halt.
So, here's the question. If you could improve three parts of your business by only 10%, that would in fact increase turnover by 133%, would that make it worth the effort? Find out more or contact us now to get started fast! It costs nothing to ask.
Business growth, attracting more customers, improved sales, better client retention and improved cashflow and profitability, is what just about every business owner wants. The world of business can be lonely at times, and overwhelming and complicated at others. But it doesn't need to be. The key is knowing how to effectively improve the numbers in three areas. Customers, sales value, and frequency. Thats it.
The challenge can be knowing where to start. I refer to it as "what's first and what's next"?
There's less secrets than you think, but many will tell you there is. Its all basic business principles, that have often been forgotten, aren't known, or get ignored.
Businesses wont growth. More customers, more money, more profitability and in the case of the owners, more time. Its not complicated. In most cases all it takes is more customers, that buy more often, spend more and refer others that end up doing the same. Its a simple growth strategy! But without creating fundamental awareness and then interest, people wont even know you exist.
There are fundamentally five things that grow just about any business.
1: The idea
2: The brand & profile
3: The marketing
4: The sales
5: The service
Yes, you probably can do it without those five, but get ready to spend big time on advertising!
Business also don't grow without skills, strategies, structure and support either. They like to think they can, but it rarely happens by itself. The problem is that owners and their teams, simply don't know what they don't know and the reasons businesses are held back from reaching the goals they want, often has nothing to do with what they make, sell or do, but in fact what they don't do. The bits they miss!
With over 33 years experience in actually doing it, building businesses, working with teams in sales and service, developing marketing strategies and over the last couple of years, working with hundreds of new startups making their way into small business and navigating the new ways of marketing, we know what works and what doesn't!
It's simply about developing skills, deploying strategies that work, connect with others and work towards business growth. But wait, there's more.
Marketing and sales are the single biggest frustration that businesses have and is also the reason most don't grow, because they can't make those two areas work consistently. Our quarterly marketing focus (on top of other training) begins to take care of that so that you implement, and see strategies work, that help you grow.
Mybusinessnow has been designed from the start to be simple, quick and easy for the strategies to be implemented, so they get implemented and the result is businesses grow. Connect with us to find out what all our membership levels include, to find out what works for you best.
Businesses can grow on their own, but it can take years. There's no need to reinvent the wheel. If the skills and knowledge and support are there, take them, grow your business faster and you just might be able to double in the next 12 months. If you don't think that's possible, ask me!
Turn your business into the idea you originally started with and the life that you thought you'd end up with. 90% of all businesses miss the keys to grow better and easier! Get them right and businesses grow.
Tell us where you're at now and where you'd like to be and it could all start to change: ReThinkBusiness